7 Best Skills Hard Skills to learn for the Future(2020)

7 min readOct 28, 2020

These previous times have shown that anything can happen. No one is certain of anything and no one knows what to do. Learning skills that are highly sought after will make it easier to get jobs and you will have an overall easier life.

If you want to have a better chance of being hired in a shorter amount of time, learn some of these skills and you will do better.

Learning skills that are in high demand and harder to replace than other skills will help you to have a more secure future. A lot of the skills that were the most important a couple of years ago are no longer important because they can be done by robots and they can be easily automated.

Rapid technological advances are one of the many reasons you should always be learning new things and trying to develop skills that are harder to automate and replace. Eventually, almost every job will be able to be automated but creative jobs will be one of the last.

Creative jobs are anything where the maker has create something. This could be music, games, art, things of that sort. Those are all safe skills to learn that will be hard to automate.

Here are some more skills that you should learn.

1.) Programming

Pretty much every job out there has some sort of programming component to it. Every website has some programming language running, there are endless things you could if you learn how to program well.

If you are going to start programming, you should pick a versatile language that can do a lot of things and accomplish a lot of jobs. Some languages are made to only do very specific things.

Python and R are both versatile languages and they are similar in structure. If you want to try Python online, use Google Collab, it is a free and all online way to program in Python.

Python is a great choice because a lot of Machine Learning and Data Science can be done easily on it. Python has built-in libraries for Machine Learning and data science that make it easier to set up.

If you learn Machine Learning you can make robots that can learn and do other things.

You could also learn scientific computing if you get good with Python and the machine learning libraries.

This also leads to app development and game development, there really is so much you can do if you get good at programming.

2.) Graphic Design

Just like programming, Graphic Design is everywhere. There are endless possibilities for what you can do if you learn to be a great graphic designer. You could freelance and make logos. You could teach graphic design, you could make designs for others.

There are a lot of great programs out there that you can use to do graphic designing. The most popular is Photoshop, this can get costly because it is a monthly fee. There are other programs out there that are a one-time payment so you don’t have to worry about that.

3.) UX Design

A good user interface is one you barely notice. Have you ever thought something was easy to do until you tried it and found out it was not easy at all? This is an example of that, it is time-consuming and hard to do but it pays well and can be fun for people if you enjoy making stuff like this.

UX designers are in charge of making the interface of apps. Those who can stick with this skill and get good at it are hard to find and are paid well for their efforts.

There are a lot of free classes on the internet that can be used to learn UX Design, there are also plenty of programs out there that you could get familiar with if you want to try this. Figma is a free alternative to the other UX design programs out there. Check it out and see if you like it.

4.) Marketing

Being able to sell things to people has to be one of the most important skills anyone could have. Being able to convince others that what you have will benefit their life is life-changing.

Now with online marketing, there are so many different aspects of it that one person could not learn all of it. Marketing is so important because a better marketer means a higher return on your money and potentially less spent on marketing.

Some of the aspects of marketing are Pay-Per-Click advertising, paying to advertise on other websites and apps. This is another thing that is not as easy as it looks. You can spend a lot of money quickly trying ads that don’t work if you don’t know what you are doing and set a budget that is too high. There are a lot of different platforms you could advertise on and a lot of different ways to make your advertisement.

Getting at any of the marketing skills will help you a lot. Some of the biggest skills right now are Facebook ads and Google Adwords.

The problem with learning to advertise is that it costs money, they are not going to let you run ads for free. It is hard to know what works and doesn’t work without testing it. Getting a digital marketing job would help with this problem if you are into this.

Taking classes and trying your own thing after taking the classes is a good way to start as well. You will have the fundamentals so you will have an idea of what you are doing but you can still learn through trial and error.

If you get good at marketing, it is not too much of a stretch to figure out dropshipping. Dropshipping relies very heavily on being able to make ads that are going to convert people a lot of the time. If you are already into marketing and are looking for something else to learn, you should look at dropshipping.

Dropshipping can be very difficult to learn, there are a lot of different aspects but most of them are not that important. The most important parts are being able to pick good items and being able to advertise them well enough to sell the item.

5.) Data Analysis

Data Analysis has to do with being able to analyze the data you have collected and make an informed decision about what you should do next. Data is no good if you are not able to use it to help yourself.

Some of the core aspects of data analysis are math and statistics. There are so many different things you could do if you can read data and form conclusions.

This skill ties closely with data science and machine learning, you need both parts to be successful at this job. You need to be able to collect the data, clean it, and transform it so that it can be readable.

You could do diagnostic analysis, this is about concluding something that happened based on the data that you have collected. This is about finding patterns in the data and being able to solve problems with the data that you have.

6.) Video Editing

A skill that is becoming more popular every year is video editing, people are finding out that videos are better at converting than photos, so videos are becoming more popular.

That is why almost all social media platforms that started as photos only have adopted some kind of video capabilities as well.

Basic video editing can be done for free on pretty much every computer with the free programs that come with them. Getting better at video editing is going to require practice and learning some of the things that you should and should not do from others.

There are a lot of different things you could do once you know how to edit videos. Most YouTubers hire editors eventually to do the editing for them because it saves time. Lots of companies also hire editors to help them with their advertisements.

If none of that sounds like work you would want to do, you could work as a freelancer on a site like Fiverr or Upwork, they have all kinds of different jobs you could find as a video editor.

7.) Writing

I have mentioned the benefits of writing and some of the different careers you could go into as someone that is good at writing but I think it is important so I will talk about it again here. This post talks about some of the benefits of writing.

Pretty much every job out there is going to have some sort of writing in it. If you are not writing directly for your job then you probably have to write for your boss or the customer. This goes back to the marketing skill too, being able to get your point across and convince other people is a very important skill.

Being able to write well will help you with almost all other skills. Also, writing is a creative skill so it will be harder to replace than a lot of other skills out there. Writing is also good for you, journaling is a great hobby that has a lot of benefits for your mind. It helps understand yourself better and it helps you to better understand your feelings.

You could also write a book if you are not into doing any of the other writing jobs, it is easier than ever to successfully self-publish a book because of social media and the internet.


I hope that these help you get an idea of some skills that are worth your time to learn, in the future these will change and there will be other skills that are more valuable to learn.

Check out my site at projectbblog.com to see other great posts!

Originally published at https://www.projectbblog.com.




Writing some of the ideas I have, hoping to inspire others.